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  • Superior direct, secure, and flexible, cloud connectivity solution

  • Mission critical data and workloads flow via overloaded, safe, predictable network roots

  • Direct, secure, and private virtual connections to to all of the major public cloud providers

  • Eliminates limitations of using public internet to run mission critical workloads on cloud

  • Enables enterprises to unlock the true power of the cloud

  • Does not compromise security, redundancy & scale

  • Reduces Ownership Costs & Enables Flexible Cloud Consumption

  • Shifts IT budgets from CapEx to OpEx Model

  • Fully accessible through APIs and customer portal

  • Highly Automated, near real-time provisioning

  • Enables IT managers to accelerate to cloud centric model

  • Mission critical workloads can expand safely, reliably, maximum flexibility

  • Hybrid & private cloud deployments

  • Understand compelling benefits a cloud services model offers

  • Quickly provisioning development & testing environments

  • Data Security, Storage & Backup

  • Multi-cloud deployments can address a range of additional business need

Data, Compute and SAN Replication


There's a Lot To Consider.  Be Prepared Before Disaster Strikes



Backup and Restore. Recovery and Business continuity.


Disastrous events are unpredictable. So what do you need to do to make sure you stay ahead of any potential disaster? First, you'll most likely need some sort of Cloud back up and restoration solution. Backup or data/SAN replication solutions can be configured to perform daily/nightly, usually one per day.


Next, you'll need to consider whether you need "recovery". A recovery solution is needed when disaster strikes and you need a fully restored working system (and not just bits and parts that comprise your system). For recovery solutions, you'll want to understand your the full range of RPO and RTO requirements, including everything from a comprehensive consultation to managed daily backups to SAN/VM replication.


The key is to match your application and system recovery needs with the most appropriate DR solution. Ask us about our data replication and SAN replication services.

     Business Continuity:  Never Something To Lose Sight Of



 Cloud Based Data, Compute and SAN Replication Solutions

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